Data Tab

The Data Tab allows you to view a table of the data points in the 3D plot. This table is automatically sorted so that selected points are higher up in the table. Furthermore within the selected points they are sorted by colour as well. For each datapoint its colour, name and the value for each axis are shown.

Right click options

Save table data to file
Allows you to export the contents of the table to a file.
Save table data to file (highlighted points only)
Allows you to export only the highlighted (coloured) points from the table to a file.
Copy table data to clipboard
Allows you to take a copy of the data found in the table to the clipboard, from where you can paste it into other applications.


You can also filter the table so that only points meeting a certain criteria are visible within it. You do so by selecting a variable you wish to filter on from Name, Min X, Max X, Min Y, Max Y, Min Z and Max Z from the Filter drop-down menu, then entering a value in the text box below. In the case of Name filtering this can be the full, or partial, name of the data point. In the case of Min X this would be the minimum value of each data point’s X coordinate.